linda lived here

then (auditor’s site)


9 replies to “linda lived here

  1. That of course is a horrible picture of my old homestead above from the auditor’s website — after it was abandoned and ready to be demolished.

    I have some better looking photographs of it. I have some bricks from it taken from the rubble of the house after it was demolished in June of 2003. It was a rental at the time since I sold it to Spitzer in July of 1988.

    It is amazing to me that after almost 10 years there is nothing on the property. I wish I could post some pictures on your blog, Lisa.


    1. If you’d like to email me better pix of the house, I’ll post them. Lorain365[at]
      They will go well with some “now” pix of the new neighborhood.
      It was always one of my favorite east side houses. I loved the multicolor bricks!
      I hate that Spitzer has allowed it to become a dumping ground for whoever has been excavating the hillside.
      Do you remember the tower base that was a little further down the hill from your house?
      I blogged about it here:
      It’s gone now. It was removed during the excavation.


  2. My cousin’s house………..I’m sad about the state of things in Lorain. There’s nothing to savor about an empty lot, and I know it’s better than having dilapidated houses dotting the landscape, but it’s hard to imagine childhood by looking at an empty lot. Damn the politics of Lorain.


    1. But this house wasn’t dilapidated. Considering all that’s been done to the property in almost 10 years was to clear it [again], they should have left well enough alone and let this house stand. I hope that I haven’t upset you with these pictures. That certainly wasn’t my intent.


      1. Hi Lisa. I sent an email to you with some pictures and a story I had written about my old homestead on Arizona. Also, there is a binder at BRHS in the basement about 208 Arizona Avenue and other information about the street. No, I do not remember any tower base. So, Lisa let me know if you got my email to you. Me and my parents were happy there and so I have good memories and no one can take those away.


  3. No Lisa, you didn’t and it wasn’t Linda’s house I was referring to in my comment, but all the other homes throughout Lorain that are truly dilapidated, Actually, while I sit here typing this, I can think of 3 or 4 houses that I spent in my pre-adult life living in that are now empty lots and they will prolly stay that way for a long time for I surely don’t expect the city to do anything other than tear down more houses.


    1. It will very interesting to see what the city does with all of their newly acquired property. How many neighborhood gardens will be started, how many lots will be sold to adjacent homeowners? I thought all of this newly vacant land in the city was going into the land bank, but the newspaper said that the first property headed for the county land bank was demolished the other day on 254. Maybe they have, or are planning to establish, a city land bank?


  4. There are rules and regulations depending upon what “fund” was used to take down the houses- I know I contacted the city about the property next door to me as it would be an illegal lot size to now rebuild. They are waiting for some direction from the Federal government as this is happening all over the country with the NSP funds and landbanking


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